you have touched me so deeply.
you showed me the love that I have so long been neglecting.
today is a new day in my life.
the day that for the first time
I allow the Lord into my heart.
I thank you for your kindness and showing me the one true Lord that I have been missing.
I've found the reason God sent me to this site. To be blessed by your teachings and to show me so much about my own
service to God.
I can't thank you enough for the work that you do. You have touched my heart and soul I will do a much better job of winning
a lost soul to Christ.
You are right now is the time, we are running out of time, we need to spend each day trying to bring one more soul to Jesus,
this is truly a "lost and dying world" that we can reach one person at a time.
God Bless you precous soul for all the love and work you do for our Saviour.
In Christ Love a sister in His name.
God bless you howard such powerful words from your heart in the Lord, you hit everything he is dealing with on the
head....my jaw nearly dropped while reading.....i pray this young mans heart gets touched by the message you sent him and
he comes to you for help and understanding to go after the face of our precious Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for being the
answer to my hope of what to do about helping this young man....thank you, howard please keep me posted just to know if he
is truly wanting the Lord Jesus in his heart and life......love in Christ......jeannie
I have tears in my eyes from reading your letter to me, my soul is crying with joy for my beautiful child, to know
that she will run and sing praises to the lord, i am going to have what you wrote to me printed out and put in a frame on
my wall to remind me everyday how blessed i am in the lord and that my beautiful Frances is my little ray of sunshine from
the lord......i thank the lord for putting you in my life dear dear Chaim, you have the hope and truth of Jesus written in
your heart.....i saw this poem dear brother and thought of you
Frances is an angel. God speaks to me through her demeanor, her beautiful serene face, the contentment upon her like one who
has secret conversations with God and knows all is perfectly in His mighty hands. She is a poster child for the fruits of
the Spirit, the joy, peace and love He brings us in Christ. Her voice echoes all about her like the sunrise of the bright
and morning star, and the scent of her beauty perfumes even the air of cities. God gave your home a glimpse of Heaven and
it's occupents, after we are transformed by His mighty call, and stand beside Him in Glory with no more the sorrows nor sickness,
no more a nature fallen, no more the uncomfortableness of sin we hate, but His love, in perfection, apparent to the Spirit's
Oh Lord, you are so wonderful, your ways perfect, your blessings unimaginable in their breath and depth. Thank you for this
shining light that we can see, for giving us ears to hear you in the wind and storm, in the sounds of silence speaking through
the earth around us. Thank you for a little child you gave to Jeannie who, like the gift of life from Jesus, has sang her
song of loving you to all blessed to know her. For she is love and truly here in you, and many still, but thoughts they are.
Let your Spirit continue to work the work of her wordless gospel that penetrates the walls themselves, and bring to their
knees those who need it most. For here is a dear one of yours, who has a seat at your table, reserved just for her, from BEFORE
she was in her faithful mother's womb.
For you sent Frances here and here she will be till you call her home where she will run and sing the praise to you she does
do quietly inside now, where she will be waiting for those she blessed so she can greet them, with Jesus, at the door. Where
she will frolick as a little one amidst your angels who, in admiration, will adore her in the warmth of your eternal light.
And in the silence of her new beginning Lord, that face, her joy and serenity, will reflect what we down here, one day, with
you, will everlasting know.
Bless this home you placed her in. A gift of love unmerited, unknown to some, that the Spirit of the Lord will fill the ones
who fill, and convict the ones who don't, that they, through her, become your loving son's.
And we, Jeannie and I, pray in Jesus precious name and call it done.

I just wrote you and then I looked at my mail and you were there!
We are one; one Spirit that forms our church; one Lord that saves us; one GOD and our Father who loves us from before we were
in our mother's womb.
Look at this moment in His time. We are on His clock. He called me and you at this very same moment. His timing is perfect.
Oh Lord, I am in total awe of your love and your Majesty. How you care for us! You know every beat of our little hearts, every
thought in our mind, every breath we will take before we see you face to face!
What strength you provide through your care and concern for us. We did nothing to deserve this blessing. You did it for us.
You gave your life's blood for us! We stand here in this lost world surrounded by multitudes who have no idea how much you
love them and how much they need you, precious Jesus.
We walk in the graveyard of no return. Once we were lost as well but you gave us your precious life through the Holy Spirit
who comforts us, and keeps us connected, by the umbilical cord of your love that feeds us daily, and gives us strength to
carry on. You are a mighty Savior. You raised us from the pit of darkness, and though we thought we could see and hear, you
gave us eyes to understand and ears to listen to the winds breath and your tears of rain, the birds laughter and the sigh
of trees blowing, the mighty ocean and the crashing of the waves that you made and that you bless us with as a token of your
loving creation.
You brought us up into the heavens to walk with you into the galaxies and beyond when we believed a space ship was quite something!
You raised our dead spirits to the throne of your FATHER and said "This one is mine, my GOD, you gave them to me before anything
made was made. While I am here next to you HOLY FATHER, care for them and let them know we are one , I in you and they in
me, so we are all one".
Today GOD our Father, saw fit to send us a love card. At a precise second of time we reached out to each other and embraced
in Jesus Love, by the act of the Holy Spirit and command of GOD! How great thou art dear LORD...how great thou art.
You are my beloved sister and heir to eternity. I can't wait to embrace you Brandy. I love you very much.

We are so rich with His love in us. Through our father Abraham, by blood and faith, we are one family in Yahushua!
He was a man of great faith, a sinner who knew his sin, and glorified GOD wherever he put down his mark in life. We follow
in his footsteps. One day we will see him face to face when the old ones are raised to be in their beloved Israel of God for
1000 years of glory and then forever. How wonderful.
This is our time to get ready. Can you imagine? Look what the future holds! According to the measure of our faith, as GOD
already knows, we will be at Yahushua's side for ever to serve Him in His glorious perfect love. We will be like Him and He
will give us a new name like one we never dreamed, according to His riches in Glory, and our love for Him in what we do through
the faith we act in now.
We will move around the beautiful galaxies of GOD, the ultimate gardens of forever, and carried so beautifully in us, the
perfect will of Him who saved us when we were undeserving and strangers to His perfect being as God our Savior.
We will rejoice with David at the throne our GOD has prepared for the Israel of His heart, without blemish nor spot. An Israel
from the love of Him who swore that as long as there were stars in the sky she would be His forever more. Oh how the heathen
rage! The Devil cringes in his dark corner, knowing his time is short. Michael, the Archangel awaits the call to cast him
out of heaven and the presence of GOD, then the end shall be near and we will rejoice in Glory.
We will see all our people of old, all the faithful ones! We will be with our family of faith. What a celebration, I cannot
start to fathom. David will sing and dance! What a time it will be! And our redeemer, The Lion of the tribe of Judah will
rule first and then transform the heavens and the earth into a world without end, in unimaginable beauty.
And wait! We will be in the "Golden City", "new" Jerusalem, where there is no night and God is the light, where the streets
are pure gold and the gates of pearl and precious stones shall welcome us. Where the called out ones of faith, who came before
us, shall live beside in His presence and the presence of Almighty GOD, where the river of life runs through, and the Tree
of Life beckons us to eat for "free".
I could go on and on for, like you, I am crazy for our Lord and my Father. Bless you, sweet one. There is the great joy in
the not too distant future that awaits, and the days of travail will seem but a moment, from which the Lord will deliver us
from as He has promised.
"Don't let your heart be troubled...I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that here I am, so shall you be."
To ride with Yahushua down the avenues of the universe and, by His side, see how He will deliver Israel from it's enemies
by HIS MIGHTY WORD, and Israel, the beloved of our Father, born in a day, shall be something else to experience! Oh Lord,
come quickly to take us Home and make a short work of this godless age where we now stand and serve you with all our strength,
our heart, and our life.
In Him who keeps His word,

Hope In Grief
My Sweet Sister In Jesus;
Your letter is so precious to me. So forthright, honest, and full of love and devotion to your family and especially God.
It is understandable you should suffer pain and anguish losing your Grandma, as well as your uncle Ralph. My dearest, I felt
the pain as your brother. In fact I am in tears I cannot stop. So I just asked the Holy Spirit to pray for us because I am
too sorrowful. But I will pray later.
Jesus wept. I and you, your mother, we weep in deep sorrow for the ones who we love that pass... and the ones that we do not
know who die forever out of Christ. Oh my God, let us go home, for when we find this deepest state of love overcoming us with
His Love and His sorrow, we are ready if He shall call!
Our Lord wept over Jerusalem. He wept for Lazarus, His friend. And He raised him from the dead only to die again. He hates
death but He weeps. He is sorrowful for a bird that falls from it's perch and creation that was made into travail because
of sin and it's birth of the irreversible disease of death. He conquered death for us. He holds the key to life eternal. He
wept for the millions of His flesh family who would perish without Him. He knew they were lost forever...what grief! He wept
for the ones who would betray Him and convince the Romans to crucify Him in a most God awful way...He was so sorrowful for
them! He wept for the ones who pierced His glorious body with metal stakes that finally led to His long agonizing death, but
for a moment in time. As he died He asked our Father and His FATHER to forgive them, for they knew not what they were doing.
To weep and be sad and anguished to the small extent we are, compared to His grief for ALL those in history who were finally
and totally lost through sin not forgiven, sin that was griping them, sin that they had no idea was sin, the deception of
death within, the drug of Satan, is to be a joy and strength to us. For in such a state we move closer to the consuming fire
of the Holy Spirit in the deepest love of Jesus and will come out stronger and more faithful as a result.
God is moving in our life. God is pruning us for stronger and more abiding works before He calls us Home. He IS calling us
now, to serve Him, in the sorrows, and the anguish, and the grief. For in these deepest of emotions JESUS is there and we
are one WITH HIM.

Dearest Sister in Christ;
May I start with the testimony of the future King of Israel, David , still a young man of your age, and share a writing of
his when he too was in the midst of terrific suffering and constant fear for his life as he hid in caves in the mountains
of the Sinai God led him, to escape King Saul's murderous wrath and jealousy.
"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He lays me down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still water's. He restores
my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. And though I walk through the valley of the shadow
of death, I will fear no evil; for he is with me; his rod and staff comfort me. He has prepared a table for me in the presence
of my enemies; He anoints my head with oil; my cup is running over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days
of my life and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever" (Ps.23).
There was a young man who loved his family. He played with the butterflies in his backyard and ran with the wind that he could
exceed in swiftness.
Then, at 7 years, his father grew very sick, and several years later had to be taken away to the hospital, where he remained
for 16 months. It left the youth sad and scared. He loved his father and always had an ever present fear he would not see
him again.
The boy suffered , yet grew in strength, the result of God's will. Not until years later did he understand, an angel of the
Lord was forever with him to lead him through the wilderness of those days. And things got worse. His father returned from
the hospital with a leg missing and unable to ever work again. He was an invalid. A broken man that needed care and attention
from the boy, now 13. But this was his pleasure, to help his father. At least he was there to reach out to and help. For 5
years this young man did just that, helped his father and his mother, who no longer could be with him, needing to work a
long distance from home to earn money for their survival. He missed his mother who had been with him most of his life. He
cared for his father like a good boy, always with the shadow of impending death that sent a chill throughout him as he lay
in bed wondering when his father would be gone and what would become of him.
Kiss the dawn of childhood dreams
The clinging hands, soft nursery rhymes
With newness now my way was blessed
No more caught up within my depths
I went and looked
I gazed upon this world
To catch the best and take the worst of it
And I came upon the natural things
In flowers touched and buttercups
My Father's loving touch
My Father's loving touch
In precious little
There is so much
My dear one, some day you will understand the love of our God that caressed you in the midst of the worst times of your life,
when a part of you wanted to stop the pain and disappear. In the hush of a quiet early morning or perhaps by a running brook
or wherever you may be you will get a glimpse of the mystery of your life and how, all along, an angel of the Lord God kept
you here and strengthened you for the next part of your blessed life. And this wonderful mystery will continue to unfold as
you grow in wisdom, grace, and love. The pain will give birth to joy, the hurt and disappointments to new beginnings and strength.
You will slowly understand that God has carried you through the worst of it all and at the end of this darkness you will say,
like that little boy grown into a man...
"In precious little there is so much"
Thank you for your loving care. In Christ I am ready for His will be done. But I believe He will take me out in the Rapture
that will precede The Great Tribulation.
Let me say that if one is in the Lord that one will be devoting their life to His service, unless they are backslid. But assuming
the former condition, and that our Lord will fill them with the Spirit of Truth they will NOT be unmindful of the future catastrophe
coming upon this earth, nor will they not make it clear to the lost but will be a "watchman" and a light in this time of darkness
now and later.
They will be prepared by God for anything. At least I believe that and function that way. That is why I do my ministry of
the Gospel.
To die out of Christ today, is no worse then to perish in the Tribulation.
My life has had much tribulation. Nothing like what will befall the unbelieving earth dwellers in The Great Tribulation, BUT,
on the whole, mine have been pretty tough.
I react differently, Jack. I live as if the Lord can call me anytime, by death or by rapture, and I am always in an alerted
state to do a faithful act for His glory. NEVER have I believed that this moment is a holiday on earth, nor that I could sit
back in some pseudo self confidence because I thought I might avoid the terrible wrath of God in the Tribulation.
All my messages to other's have a vein of "Now is the appointed time to serve Him", "choose this day who you will serve",
"come out from among them and be separate". I live that way, and have for a long time.
My mindset is different about the Pre Tribulation Rapture. Given it could be at any moment I have grown to be a bond servant
for Him daily. If I believed we would be in that time of "Jacobs trouble", I would be busy trying to prepare stores of supplies
like the Mormon's and others, wondering how in the world will God get us through such a set of circumstances. On one hand
the Anti-christ system, and on the other, The Judgments of our Lord on sinful mankind!
I would be instigated by the future rather then doing His work in the now. It would require me to be concerned about my flesh,
those around me, the enemies at the grocery store, my government, my neighbor out of faith, and a host of possibilities too
The hope of the Rapture will not put a Spirit filled Christian at ease. It will move them to greater service to the lost and
help complete the church as well as inspire the brethren to action in prayer and whatever ministry through gifts He has bestowed
upon them.
So I work in the now moment with a sure hope I am free in Him and have assured eternal life because of Him. And if I should
find myself in Great Tribulation, I will find Christ at my side.