I'm feeling love from once before
His timeless touch, His endless shore
An ancient whisper, a poems rhyme
In the rhythm of His time
And He loves me, and it seems
Like the heavens and a dream
The Lord of Glory is His name
Painted portraits in my mind
Can't begin to say how kind
By His grace and through His love
Gave us life from up above
That blessed day forevermore
When He calls us home to stay
In the twilight I still pray
For the dawn of our new day
Eternal life in Christ Jn.3:15
By His blood Jn.6:5
Our home is eternal 2Cor.5:1
God is eternal Dt.33:27
Rejoice evermore 1Thess.5:16
Dwell in God's house forever Ps.23:6
Saved forever by grace through faith Eph.2:6
The Lord is Glory Jn.1:14;17:2
That blessed day forevermore 1Thess.4:16-17